Wednesday 2 May 2007

Virginia Tech tragedy....

The recent massacre in Virginia Tech University has raised concerns about gun control. The tragedy tells us that a young man could be driven to commit terrible actions and crimes. It was shocking that a young, quiet, ordinary boy can just turn up one day with two guns and started shooting bullets around the school. The incident triggers our fears, and stirred up emotions and thoughts in our soul. The killing of many innocent students has raised a commotion that gun control is too loose and that stronger control over the lethal weapons that cause such wasteful carnage. Is the control over guns too loose? Easy access to guns makes crime become more common. In many countries across the world where there are gun control laws, killing and fighting (crime) still happen. Even Cho Seung Hui, the killer for Virginia Tech managed to buy two guns and managed to sneak it into the school. The main objective of people carrying guns is for self-defense. In one Mississippi high school, an armed administrator apprehended a school shooter. In a Pennsylvania high school, an armed merchant prevented further deaths. Would an armed teacher have prevented some of the deaths at Virginia Tech? Maybe he will. You would never know. But not everyone use it rationally, like Cho who use it to shoot 32 people in Virginia Tech University. There is no way to extinguish this supply of guns. It would be constitutionally suspect and politically impossible to confiscate hundreds of millions of weapons. The other issue that concerns the public is the protection around the school. School is the place where students spend most of their time besides their home. How can the school act as a sanctuary or a second home for the students if the safety of students is not guaranteed? Even in Virginia where it proudly boasted their gun control laws, Cho managed to sneak in two guns. You can declare a place gun-free, as Virginia Tech had done, and guns will still be brought there. This implies that no matter how controlled or how strong the protection is around the school, somehow criminals find their way in. Gun control might be able to help in reducing crime levels but it can only be carried out well if the citizens are cooperative and does not do white collar job. To prevent this incident from happening again, everyone should look out for one another. If Cho was discovered earlier that he’s emotionally unstable and being treated, would he ended up like this? There is no hundred percentage guarantee but the possibilities are high.

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